Fake Messiah

by Lamb of God

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:09 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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1st → Lead I1
2nd → Rhythm II
3rd → Rhythm I
4th → Bassk 6
5th → Lead II
6th → Drumsssion
7th → Voxck 7

File Size

128 KB




Ev-'ry-thing you've ev-er begged me to be could nev-er have meant an-y less to me. Ev-'ry-thing you've ev-er asked me to say is so far a-way from the truth. So far a-way from the truth. So far a-way. Fake mes-si-ah, stitch-es sewn in your eyes. Fake mes-si-ah, proph-e-cy now de-nied. O-ver and o-ver and ev-er a-gain, de-fend-ing your in-sig-nif-i-cance. Use-less in-tent hid-den be-hind your mask. A cow-ard's voice... a-non-y-mous. So far a-way from the truth. So far a-way. Fake mes-si-ah, stitch-es sewn in your eyes. Fake mes-si-ah, proph-e-cy now de-nied. Fake mes-si-ah, o-pen mouth, draw-ing flies. Fake mes-si-ah, proph-e-cy now de-nied, de-nied. Gen-er-a-tion fail-ure. Sus-pend-ed in ir-rel-e-vance. Slit you wide o-pen just to see what you're made of. Just to see what you're made of. So far a-way from the truth. So far a-way. Fake mes-si-ah, stitch-es sewn in your eyes. Fake mes-si-ah, proph-e-cy now de-nied. Fake mes-si-ah, o-pen mouth, draw-ing flies. Fake mes-si-ah, proph-e-cy now de-nied. Mes-si-ah. Fake mes-si-ah. Fake mes-si-ah.


The only thing that might be off are the drums. Everything else should be perfect. I transcribed Randy's vocals as best I could, but, since there's no "scream" patch, I had to mess around with it. Enjoy!